Tuesday, February 24, 2015

FIT & Flab-U-Less

I am excited for this months Challenge group theme! FIT & Flab-U-Less! What mom doesn't want to be Fit and Flab-u-less. This group is full of moms looking to tone up! If you are looking to tone up and get fit, join us! You will get the nutrition, program, support and accountability you are looking for! FIT & Flab-U-Less Event

Monday, February 23, 2015

Mason Jar Salad

Eating healthy is all about planning and being prepared! If you fail to plan, you plan to fail! I love these Salads! They are easy to assemble and they stay nice and crisp in the Mason Jars. I can't tell you how many times I was lazy and didn't want to cook, so I just grabbed a salad.

How to assemble:

  • Cook enough chicken for the week. I did 2 tenders for each salad
  • cut up veggies that you want to go on top of your salad
  • chop lettuce
  • place the chicken at the bottom of the jar
  • place the cut veggies on next
  • last place the lettuce on the top
  • put the lid on and keep in the fridge

I like to throw some nuts or mandarin oranges on them to!

These Salads are 21 day Fix approved! Just add one of Autumns Dressings when ready to eat!
My favorite dressing is:
3/4 cup evvo
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1 clove of garlic minced
1/4 tsp pepper

Monday, February 16, 2015

If the Savior Stood Beside Me FHE

Opening Song: If the Savior Stood Beside Me 
This is a beautiful video If the Savior Stood Beside Me Video

Scripture: 3 Nephi 18:7 And this shall ye do in remembrance of my body, which I have shown unto you. And it shall be a testimony into the Father that ye do always remember me. And if ye do always remember me ye shall have my Spirit to be with you.

Lesson: I explained that even though we can't see Jesus standing right next to us he is always with us. I cut out footprints and had each child stand next to them and I asked them questions on how they should act if Jesus was standing next to them. I tried not to laugh, when I asked Madeline if she would hit her brother if Jesus where standing next to her. Her reply "If Buddy hit me, then I would hit him back" FHE is always entertaining and a zoo with a 6, 5, 3, and 1 year old and by myself.
We then colored a picture of Jesus blessing the Nephite children and put them on the fridge to remind us that Jesus is always with us. Coloring page

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Valentine Primary Singing time!

This is the cutest and easiest Valentine idea! The Dollar Tree has Whack-a-Packs, where you whack it and a heart comes out. Cute Libby in the facebook group I am in shared it!
Watch Libby's video to see how awesome these whack -a- pack hearts are and how to insert the song! Thanks Libby for the great idea!

Whack-a-pack Heart Singing time video

Song choices:
He Sent His Son 34
Love is Spoken Here 190
I know that my Savior Loves Me
I Love To See The Temple 95
My Heavenly Father Loves Me 228
Love One Another 136
I Feel My Savior's Love 74

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Daily Digestive Nutrition

When my daughter was 18 months she was sick all the time, was up all night screaming and scratching. It was awful! I felt inspired to take her off gluten and keep her on a strict Celiac diet. My mom is Celiac and we have a lot of digestive issues in our family. Taking her off gluten was exactly what she needed, but it didn't solve all our problems. Cross contamination is the worst when you are Celiac. She was 1, she didn't know what would hurt her and what wouldn't. A year ago I discovered Shakeology and it has been amazing for her. I give her 1/4 a serving and all the enzymes and pro biotics have made a night and day difference for her. She SLEEPS, sometimes till 9:30! Her skin is soft and she doesn't scratch all night. This is a little TMI, but her bowels are normal. Hallelujah. Madeline's little belly loves Shakeology! It is her daily nutrition to help her digestive system.
This last year I have watched my sweet, crazy little girl THRIVE, GROW and LIVE. She is potty trained, which was a struggle with her tummy issues. I am so thankful I discovered Shakeology

Monday, February 2, 2015

David and Goliath FHE

I always get a crack up at FHE! They are never the sit down and have this amazing spirit. I keep hoping that one time everyone will sit and listen, but we are just not there yet. So we keep it short and sweet.

Opening song: Nephi's Courage
Opening prayer: Madeline's cute little prayer, love 3 year old prayers
Scripture: 1 Samuel 17:32, read by Scotlyn

Tell the story of David and Goliath
Discuss how it took courage to stand up against Goliath
Tell what courage mean: to do something that is dangerous or scary
We discussed how we could be courageous: Scotlyn can share the gospel, even that can be scary. Scotlyn can stand up to a bully at school. Ethan can be courageous and sleep in his bed all night.
We then made grandpa Goliath and threw marshmallows at him. 

Closing Prayer: Ethan, there was a little giggling when he said, "thank you that we can not throw balls at each other." I love hearing children pray!

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