1. DO YOUR RESEARCH This is mandatory for my family. We have some allergies we need to watch out for. Get out your smart phone or get online and look at the restaurant menus. Know what you are going to get before you leave the house.
2. PAY ATTENTION TO HOW FOOD IS PREPARED Menu items give a desription of how your food is prepared. (and it never hurts to ask, if you are unsure)
- DON'T get anything that is deep fried, pan fried, basted, batter-dipped, breaded, creamy, crispy, scalloped, Alfredo, au gratin or in a cream sauce.
- DO look for items that are baked, broiled, steamed or sauteed
3. DRINK WATER INSTEAD OF JUICE OR SODA Don't drink your calories! Soda is a huge source of calories, and can ruin your diet. Spice up your water with lemon, limes, berries, cucumber or mint.
4. CONTROL YOUR PORTION SIZE Americans are known for huge portion sizes and all you can eat buffets.
4. CONTROL YOUR PORTION SIZE Americans are known for huge portion sizes and all you can eat buffets.
- 1 serving of lean protein= the palm of your hand
- 1 serving of grains=the size of a tennis ball
- 1 serving of fruits or veggies=one heaping handful
5. EASY ON THE SALT When your not cooking your own food, you can pretty much guarantee the food you are eating has too much salt. Ask restaurants to go easy on the salt or omit it altogether. Avoid the salt shaker, and look for lo-sodium options.
6. SKIP THE BOOZE Sorry to bring the bad news, but beer, wine and margaritas are filled with sugar and empty calories. Remember to eat your calories, not drink them. Plus, once you have a drink or 2 you will want to eat more.
7. SEND BACK THE FREE FOOD The bread sticks, rolls, bread basket, bottomless chips and salsa, or whatever else they put on your table. They aren't free of calories and you can't keep good portion control when it's not on your plate.
8. HAVE IT YOUR WAY Most menus use healthy ingredients, its the preparation, battered and fried that make them unhealthy. Most restaurants will happily prepare your food the way you ask. Speak up don't be shy. Ask for grilled chicken instead of battered and fried.
9. "UNDRESS YOUR FOOD" Sounds naughty, right? Always ask for sauce or dressing on the side. Instead of drenching your salad, use your fork and dip in the dressing.
10. SKIP DESSERT Skipping Dessert can save you 500-1000 calories or even MORE. You'll be glad you did! Especially when you are trying to work it off the next day!