Monday, January 5, 2015

Glad Game FHE

I was able to sing in  a couple different Sacrament meetings around Christmas. There was a specific talk I heard that hit home with me and I have wanted to share it with my family. The speaker talked about the Glad Game from the movie Polyanna, the BBC one not the Disney one. I went to the Library and checked the movie out. I fell in love with sweet Polyanna and her Glad Game. 
Being Happy with where I am at in life has been a struggle! I love my life, family, job, but I am always reaching for something else. I need to still reach for my goals, but be glad with who I am now and the life I have now! 
I want my kids to be glad, even when things don't go as they plan. Tonight we watched Polyanna and we talked about being glad. We played the Glad Game. I came up with circumstances and they told what they could be Glad about. 
Ex: You do not like what mom made for dinner, what can you be Glad about? You have food to eat, a Mom that makes dinner or Mom probably won't make it again for a while. 
Ex. Dad only takes one of you to Costco, what is there to be Glad about? You get to stay home with Mom!!!

We also made GLAD bracelets to remind us to be Glad. When a situation arises and we have an unhappy child, I am hoping I can play the glad game with them and help them realize we can choose to be Glad!

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