I always get a crack up at FHE! They are never the sit down and have this amazing spirit. I keep hoping that one time everyone will sit and listen, but we are just not there yet. So we keep it short and sweet.
Opening song: Nephi's Courage
Opening prayer: Madeline's cute little prayer, love 3 year old prayers
Scripture: 1 Samuel 17:32, read by Scotlyn
Tell the story of David and Goliath
Discuss how it took courage to stand up against Goliath
Tell what courage mean: to do something that is dangerous or scary
We discussed how we could be courageous: Scotlyn can share the gospel, even that can be scary. Scotlyn can stand up to a bully at school. Ethan can be courageous and sleep in his bed all night.
We then made grandpa Goliath and threw marshmallows at him.
Closing Prayer: Ethan, there was a little giggling when he said, "thank you that we can not throw balls at each other." I love hearing children pray!