This month has been a month of sad heartbreaking news of Families losing loved ones. It's been all around me and It has left me heart broken for the Families who are missing their loved ones. Today's news hit me hard and the tears aren't stopping. As a mother my greatest fear is losing a child. I am pray daily that trial does not fall on me, I pray that if it is part of Heavenly Fathers Plan I will be strong enough to endure. I pray that I will weather the trial with grace, and know that my Father in Heaven has a greater plan in store. It gives me great comfort to know that my Savior lives and that because of him, my Family is eternal.
These heartbreaks also have me thinking about how I have been living my life and realizing how short life really is. Am I living my life to its fullest? Am I showing gratitude daily? Or am I wallowing in self pity, that I can't get my kids to sleep in their own beds or sleep through the night, my kids and their allergies are HARD, they never listen, how much I dislike doing the night routine on my own, and my pity list goes on... Am I letting those around me know how much I love them? Or am I cranky and frustrated, instead of kind and compassionate. Am I letting fear hold me back from my greatest potential? Or do I care to much about what others think. When I die I want to die knowing that I loved deeply, was an amazing wife and mother, dear friend, served with my whole heart and loved everyone. I want my family to know that I loved them and I will be waiting to give them a big hug, when we are reunited again.
Every morning I want to wake up and lead with LOVE! I want my family to know they are my world!!! I want to see others as our Heavenly Father see us. I will Lead with Love so there is no regret in my life. My life is incredibly blessed and I will try to always remember! I want to bless others lives.
I am grateful for the examples of these amazing families! My thoughts and prayers are with them. If you are reading this, send a prayer their way. And go hug someone and tell them you love them.