Thursday, January 29, 2015

2nd Annual Couples Challenge

Super excited for The 2nd Annual Couples Challenge! Last year was so much fun! This year is going to be awesome! I am really excited that my husband has finally jumped on the workout train. He is rocking INSANITY MAX:30.
I love the friendly  competition! And prizes are awesome! Best Transformations wins a 1 night stay in a Hotel near you! What a great way to celebrate your HOT new bods! ;) Who wants to join us?
Grab your Valentine and lets sweat!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

10 Tips For Dining Out

Sometimes, we aren't always eating at home, birthdays, work parties, date night, lunch with friends, or you really just don't want to cook. Here are 10 tips to keep you from derailing on you healthy lifestyle.

1. DO YOUR RESEARCH This is mandatory for my family. We have some allergies we need to watch out for. Get out your smart phone or get online and look at the restaurant menus. Know what you are going to get before you leave the house. 
2. PAY ATTENTION TO HOW FOOD IS PREPARED  Menu items give a desription of how your food is prepared. (and it never hurts to ask, if you are unsure)
  • DON'T get anything that is deep fried, pan fried, basted, batter-dipped, breaded, creamy, crispy, scalloped, Alfredo, au gratin or in a cream sauce.
  • DO look for items that are baked, broiled, steamed or sauteed
3. DRINK WATER INSTEAD OF JUICE OR SODA Don't drink your calories! Soda is a huge source of calories, and can ruin your diet. Spice up your water with lemon, limes, berries, cucumber or mint.
4. CONTROL YOUR PORTION SIZE Americans are known for huge portion sizes and all you can eat buffets. 
  • 1 serving of lean protein= the palm of your hand
  • 1 serving of grains=the size of a tennis ball
  • 1 serving of fruits or veggies=one heaping handful
5. EASY ON THE SALT When your not cooking your own food, you can pretty much guarantee the food you are eating has too much salt. Ask restaurants to go easy on the salt or omit it altogether. Avoid the salt shaker, and look for lo-sodium options.
6. SKIP THE BOOZE Sorry to bring the bad news, but beer, wine and margaritas are filled with sugar and empty calories. Remember to eat your calories, not drink them. Plus, once you have a drink or 2 you will want to eat more. 
7. SEND BACK THE FREE FOOD The bread sticks, rolls, bread basket, bottomless chips and salsa, or whatever else they put on your table. They aren't free of calories and you can't keep good portion control when it's not on your plate. 
8. HAVE IT YOUR WAY Most menus use healthy ingredients, its the preparation, battered and fried that make them unhealthy. Most restaurants will happily prepare your food the way you ask. Speak up don't  be shy. Ask for grilled chicken instead of battered and fried. 
9. "UNDRESS YOUR FOOD" Sounds naughty, right? Always ask for sauce or dressing on the side. Instead of drenching your salad, use your fork and dip in the dressing. 
10. SKIP DESSERT Skipping Dessert can save you 500-1000 calories or even MORE. You'll be glad you did! Especially when you are trying to work it off the next day!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Hold Your Light Up

This FHE is perfect for little kids! My kids loved it because it involved a flashlight. I am grateful for amazing women who are prepared and share their lessons and ideas. Here is the lesson Hold Your Light Up.

We changed up the song and sang I know That My Savior Loves Me.

We shared ways that we could be a light at school, Scotlyn had lots of stories to share. I love when my kids open up and talk about things at school. Sometimes I feel like I have to drag it out of them.

We finished the night off with Paleo Lemon bars.

Ethan loves to help cook!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Paleo Pancake Round up

My kids are pancake kids, who wouldn't be when their Dad makes fluffy, delicious, glutenous pancakes. So I have been on a Mission for some healthy, gluten free, pancakes. I found one!!!! Against all grain has become my go to sight. I love all her recipes. These technically are waffles, but I don't have a gluten free waffle maker, it's been contaminated. So I just made pancakes and they are AMAZING. They are a cashew based pancake. the texture is great and they are perfect! go check them out! All of these recipes are kid approved!


I also love the Paleo Mom she has some great pancakes. Her 2 plantain pancakes are delicious
Green Plantain Pancakes

I love these simple banana pancakes. They are a little tricky to flip, unless you have a pancake griddle. 

I am a sucker for pumpkin. I love pairing pumpkin with the coconut flour it makes it less dry. Great fall recipe.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Lie Monster FHE

I have been looking for a simple FHE on lies. Ethan is starting to lie, and he lies more to get out of trouble. It's hard not to laugh at him, he knows I know he is lying, yet he keeps trying to get out of it! This was a cute lesson and it was just one story and the Lie Monster was so cute. I found it at Mormon Mommy.

Opening song we sang "I know that my Savior Loves Me". It's the song they are learning in Primary.

We also started learning the 13th Article of Faith. I found cute printable here

Nights all by myself are hard and doing FHE with 4 little ones is entertaining. It's all about setting the example right?!? Even if it is a joke some nights!


Sunday, January 11, 2015

Lead with Love

Today was going to be my first book review of the year, but that is just going to have to wait, because that is not where my heart is tonight. 

This month has been a month of sad heartbreaking news of Families losing loved ones. It's been all around me and It has left me heart broken for the Families who are missing their loved ones. Today's news hit me hard and the tears aren't stopping. As a mother my greatest fear is losing a child. I am pray daily that trial does not fall on me, I pray that if it is part of Heavenly Fathers Plan I will be strong enough to endure. I pray that I will weather the trial with grace, and know that my Father in Heaven has a greater plan in store. It gives me great comfort to know that my Savior lives and that because of him, my Family is eternal. 

These heartbreaks also have me thinking about how I have been living my life and realizing how short life really is. Am I living my life to its fullest? Am I showing gratitude daily? Or am I wallowing in self pity, that I can't get my kids to sleep in their own beds or sleep through the night, my kids and their allergies are HARD, they never listen, how much I dislike doing the night routine on my own, and my pity list goes on...  Am I letting those around me know how much I love them? Or am I cranky and frustrated, instead of kind and compassionate. Am I letting fear hold me back from my greatest potential? Or do I care to much about what others think. When I die I want to die knowing that I loved deeply, was an amazing wife and mother, dear friend, served with my whole heart and loved everyone. I want my family to know that I loved them and I will be waiting to give them a big hug, when we are reunited again. 

Every morning I want to wake up and lead with LOVE! I want my family to know they are my world!!! I want to see others as our Heavenly Father see us. I will Lead with Love so there is no regret in my life. My life is incredibly blessed and I will try to always remember! I want to bless others lives. 

I am grateful for the examples of these amazing families! My thoughts and prayers are with them. If you are reading this, send a prayer their way. And go hug someone and tell them you love them.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Attitude of Gratitude

In my Fitness groups we have a Thankful Thursday. I am a little bit obsessed with Gratitude. I love the phrase "Attitude of Gratitude". I love it because it is your choice whether or not you want to be grateful! It is your Attitude. I became obsessed when I went to a RS dinner and  Sister shared her life and how she chose to find something to be grateful for everyday. It was a time in my life where I was frustrated with kids, husband, and myself. I was not happy and most definitely didn't have an "Attitude of Gratitude". I wish I could remember the sisters name, she changed my life that night. She had a million reasons to be ungrateful, she had a TOUGH life. She chose to see the good in everyday. She did it by keeping a gratitude journal. Every night she wrote in a journal or put a photo, or a quote in a book. She had several different books she kept over the years to remind her.
It is so easy to focus on the negative in our life, ever since that night I have always tried to be more grateful. My life is so blessed, it may not go as I planned, but whose life does? There is always something to be grateful for. It is also very easy to see the blessings in our life and to focus on them and not the negative.
I have fallen in love with the movie Polyanna, and try to play the Glad Game with my kids. I am also keeping a journal, everyday I right down something I am grateful for. I also have done a gratitude stone, where I keep a little stone in my pocket and every night I get ready for bed and take it out I think of all the things I am grateful for.
I am constantly reminded of how blessed I am. I have  a beautiful and healthy family. Life can change in an Instant. Tonight I am going to bed with a Grateful Heart. Today I have witnessed how quick things can change. I am going to soak up every crazy moment with my family and choose to have an "Attitude of Gratitude"

Cauliflower Chowder

So it's Thursday and I haven't blogged since Monday. My goal this year was to blog once a day, oops, I failed already. That doesn't mean I am going to give up, just means I have a little catching up to do! Tuesday was supposed to be Tasty Tuesday. I want to share a recipe every Tuesday.

It is cold here in Utah and I want something HOT for dinner! My sister found this recipe and it was yummy. My daughter loved it! She brought home a cup full of it from Grandmas. What I love about it, is that it is full of veggies and my kids still eat it. Win Win right?!? It even smelt yummy, you know sometimes cauliflower has that smell? 

The yumminess comes form FoodieCrush

Gluten-Free Quinoa and Cauliflower Chowder

  • 3 tablespoons butter, divided
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 red bell pepper, diced
  • 1 carrot, diced
  • 1 Idaho russet potato, skinned and diced
  • 3 cups cauliflower, roughly chopped
  • 2 15-ounce cans vegetable broth
  • 2 cups milk
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 2 teaspoons dried thyme
  • 1 cup quinoa
  1. In large dutch oven or stock pot, melt 2 tablespoons of butter over medium high heat. Add garlic and cook for 30 seconds or until fragrant. Add red bell pepper and carrots and cook for 10 minutes or until pepper softens.
  2. Add potato, cauliflower, vegetable broth, milk, bay leaf, thyme and kosher salt. Bring to boil, then reduce heat to simmer and cook for about 10-12 minutes or until cauliflower and potato are softened. Turn heat to low.
  3. Meanwhile, rinse ⅔ cup quinoa in cold water and place in small pan and cover with 2 cups of cold water. Season with pinch of kosher salt and bring to boil. Reduce to simmer and cook until quinoa is softened. Fluff with fork and set aside.
  4. Ladle about 3 cups of broth and vegetables, mostly potatoes and cauliflower but leaving some in pot for texture, into high sided container and blend with a blender until smooth.
  5. Add back to pot. Remove bay leaf and season with more salt if desired. Add quinoa and remaining tablespoon of butter and cook for another 5 minutes. Quinoa and butter will thicken soup as quinoa absorbs some of liquid. Serve immediately.

I used a yellow potato,  used coconut milk and skipped the quinoa. I am trying to skip the grains. More paleo for us. My baby has been struggling with the grains. 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Glad Game FHE

I was able to sing in  a couple different Sacrament meetings around Christmas. There was a specific talk I heard that hit home with me and I have wanted to share it with my family. The speaker talked about the Glad Game from the movie Polyanna, the BBC one not the Disney one. I went to the Library and checked the movie out. I fell in love with sweet Polyanna and her Glad Game. 
Being Happy with where I am at in life has been a struggle! I love my life, family, job, but I am always reaching for something else. I need to still reach for my goals, but be glad with who I am now and the life I have now! 
I want my kids to be glad, even when things don't go as they plan. Tonight we watched Polyanna and we talked about being glad. We played the Glad Game. I came up with circumstances and they told what they could be Glad about. 
Ex: You do not like what mom made for dinner, what can you be Glad about? You have food to eat, a Mom that makes dinner or Mom probably won't make it again for a while. 
Ex. Dad only takes one of you to Costco, what is there to be Glad about? You get to stay home with Mom!!!

We also made GLAD bracelets to remind us to be Glad. When a situation arises and we have an unhappy child, I am hoping I can play the glad game with them and help them realize we can choose to be Glad!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Gluten Free Cheez-its

I am going to be honest! I love Cheez -its!!!! I haven't had one in a very long time and I don't eat a lot of Dairy. It is funny because I really don't like cheese. I like a few, but i usually skip the cheese on a salad or sandwich. Funny thing I only like melted cheese, like on pizza, mexican food, or my moms homemade Mac"n"Cheese.
I found this Cheez-it Recipe on Pinterest and never used it, until today, because I wanted to make a GF chex mix. They taste like a real cheez-its!!!!! So yummy. I found them at Real Food RN

  • 1 cup all purpose gluten free flour (I used the ATK mix, American test kitchen)
  • 2 cups (8 oz) shredded  cheddar
  • 4 Tbsp cold butter, cut into pieces 
  • 2 Tbsp cold water
  • Sea salt for sprinkling on top
  • Preheat oven to 350*F
  • In a food processor or Blendtec, combine flour, cheese and butter 
  • Pulse until its a crumbly texture, but well combined
  • Add water and process until a dough forms
  • Divide dough into two balls and chill for 15 minutes in the fridge, or until firm (not longer than 30 minutes)
  • Roll one ball out on parchment paper until about 1/4″ thick 
  • Pick up parchment paper and rolled out dough and place on a baking sheet
  • Using a pizza cutter, cut dough into squares and trim off uneven edges (you can add extra dough to the next ball)
  • Sprinkle with salt, lightly
  • If you want to, poke little holes in the top with a toothpick to make them look even more like Cheez-it crackers
  • Bake for 10-15 minutes or until they are bubbly and browning on the edges slightly (my daughter knows they are done when the kitchen smells like macaroni and cheese)
    This GF cutie loved them!
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