Thursday, January 8, 2015

Attitude of Gratitude

In my Fitness groups we have a Thankful Thursday. I am a little bit obsessed with Gratitude. I love the phrase "Attitude of Gratitude". I love it because it is your choice whether or not you want to be grateful! It is your Attitude. I became obsessed when I went to a RS dinner and  Sister shared her life and how she chose to find something to be grateful for everyday. It was a time in my life where I was frustrated with kids, husband, and myself. I was not happy and most definitely didn't have an "Attitude of Gratitude". I wish I could remember the sisters name, she changed my life that night. She had a million reasons to be ungrateful, she had a TOUGH life. She chose to see the good in everyday. She did it by keeping a gratitude journal. Every night she wrote in a journal or put a photo, or a quote in a book. She had several different books she kept over the years to remind her.
It is so easy to focus on the negative in our life, ever since that night I have always tried to be more grateful. My life is so blessed, it may not go as I planned, but whose life does? There is always something to be grateful for. It is also very easy to see the blessings in our life and to focus on them and not the negative.
I have fallen in love with the movie Polyanna, and try to play the Glad Game with my kids. I am also keeping a journal, everyday I right down something I am grateful for. I also have done a gratitude stone, where I keep a little stone in my pocket and every night I get ready for bed and take it out I think of all the things I am grateful for.
I am constantly reminded of how blessed I am. I have  a beautiful and healthy family. Life can change in an Instant. Tonight I am going to bed with a Grateful Heart. Today I have witnessed how quick things can change. I am going to soak up every crazy moment with my family and choose to have an "Attitude of Gratitude"

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